The league will offer 3 streams of weekly play, Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3. 

Tier 1 Stream is geared towards the experienced player who has played Catchball for 2 or more years at an intermediate OR greater level of play and good knowledge of the game. Tier 1 practices will be designed to enhance the players skill level to play at a higher level and faster game pace. 

Tier 2 Stream is geared towards the beginner-intermediate player, who has 1 or more years experience in Catchball and playing the game, or who prefers to play in this stream.  Tier 2 Stream will teach skills and fundamentals of Catchball.

Tier 3 Stream is geared towards the novice player, who has no experience in Catchball or has less than 1 year playing the game, or who prefers to play in this stream.  Tier 3 stream will teach the basic skills and fundamentals of Catchball.

Streams 1-3 will practice once a week (90 minutes) with a coach who will teach and advance their individual player and team’s skills.  Teams will have the opportunity to play in interleague games and have an end of season tournament (Schedule & Details to follow).

Recreational Stream - Pick Up Game - is geared towards the player who wants to continue to play catchball but focus on playing at a recreational (non-competitive) level.  Enrollment and payment will be required in advance and player availability must be confirmed 1 week prior to the scheduled game. Players who are enrolled in Tier 1 -3 streams are welcome to participate in the Recreational stream.

INTERLEAGUE GAMES – Tiers 1-3 will participate in a league. Each team will play up to 10 games. Final schedule will be provided in September. Games will follow the International Catchball Federation Rules with an experienced referee. 

Team Outline
The number of players per team is 16.  If a team enrollment does not meet the required number of players, players may be placed, with attention to skill level and experience, on a new team.  If a team is less than 16 players, but has a minimum of 14 is required a the fee may be revised. Participate age category to enroll is 30 years of age or older.

A group of players may request to play together as a team.  They can select a location offered by Maccabi Canada or source their own facility (details of own facility to be finalized). 
Selection of a coach to be finalized.

Team Managers/Captains

Each team will select a team manager and captain. They will be the liaison between Maccabi Canada Catchball Office, the team, and the coach. 


Player Description

Novice player: a player with no experience of game
Beginner -Intermediate: 1 – 2 years experience playing the game
Experienced players: 2 or more years of play in the Maccabi Canada Catchball program with intermediate skill level or other team/league playing of comparable level. 

Players who do not meet the level of play for the team they selected, Maccabi Canada will recommend a team that is better suited for their skill level and location.

Current teams (a team continuing from the previous season) may have a spot open for an additional player(s). Selection to the team will be based on player commitment, availability and skill to ensure the player meets the team's current level of play.  If you are interested in joining a current team, please select the team of choice.  Please select a second choice as your first option may not be available.
A team representative will contact you. 



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