As of June 1, 2022
The health, safety and well being of our participants (players, coaches, staff, & volunteers) and their families is our utmost priority.
Maccabi Canada's Medical and Covid Committee met and given the current situation it was recommended by our public health expert and agreed to by the committee that vaccinations will not be required to participate in Maccabi Canada community sports programs.
We strongly suggest that everyone considers following Public Health recommendations and receive the vaccinations that are recommended for them. If the situation changes we will revisit our policy.
**Health and Safety policies subject to change.
Effective September 22, 2021, as per the Provincial governing bodies and sports facilities, all participants ages 12+, (coaches, staff, volunteers, and players), must be fully vaccinated (two doses based on approved vaccines + 14 days) to enter all affiliated sports facilities and participate in sports programs. This does not apply to participants under the age of 12.
All participants (coaches, staff, volunteers, and players) must submit a visual verification of their vaccine receipt (PDF) along with photo ID in order to complete their registration with Maccabi Canada and gain entry to the facilities. This does not apply for players under the age of 12.
MACCABI CANADA PROGRAMS ARE DROP OFF ONLY. Maccabi Staff will meet players at the door and escort them in and out of the facility.
Effective October 22, 2021, the province’s Enhanced Vaccinatine QR Code will be used to verify the certificates in order to gain entry. Again, this does not apply for players under the age of 12.
For Ontario's Public Health Guidance to COVID-19, click HERE.
For Ontario's Public Health Signs and Symptoms chart for COVID-19, click HERE.
Additional rules:
Please note that these requirements are subject to change, depending on local and provincial guidelines and recommendations from Maccabi Canada’s COVID-19 committee.
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